Sunday, September 7, 2008

Women of Faith

Here's a few of us that went to Women of Faith. It was a fun, refreshing time (except the bus ride, but that's another story) with hilarious, yet poignant speakers like Luci Swindoll, Marilyn Meberg, Patsy Clairmont, Sandi Patti and Sheila Walsh. Dramatic and comic sketches by Nicole Johnson and music by Nicole C. Mullens and Natalie Grant kept the energy level high.

Mother & Daughter: Ronda McPeek and Helen Hardy

Sue Porges & Mary McCracken

Another Mother & Daughter set: Antionette Benak and Marie Ramirez.

Antionette was our fearless bus driver. She was an incredible blessing to all of us.

1 comment:

The Berthiaume's said...

So fun! I love the new look! Who helped you design it?